
I grew up in Skopje, Macedonia on the fourth floor of an apartment tower.  From the balcony you could see a big field where wheat was planted.  In May/June the field will be covered in poppies.  Beautiful red poppies, a million of them.  When it was windy the poppies will dance in waves, back and… Read More Poppies

Stitching on photographs

It helps to have an artist spouse.  My husband is a photographer and I sometime borrow photos he took and stitch on them.  This time I added wings to the model. “If you were born without wings, do nothing to prevent them from growing’ Coco Chanel Photography: David Miller Model: Glass Olive Stitching/emboridery: me

Stitching flowers on paper

I inherited several yards of interesting fabric and decided to play with it.  I cut out small flower shapes and stitched them on paper. ‘Just living is not enough…one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower.’ Hans Christian Anderson (fabric and yarn stitched on blank cards)