Free Little Art Gallery – FLAG

Hi friends!!!

It’s been so long since I’ve last posted. I forgot I had a blog. I forgot to pay my bill to host my blog, so my blog had disappeared and it prompted me to re-visit this place and make it come alive again.

Without further delay let me tell you about my Free Little Art Gallery or FLAG for short. It recently celebrated a year of existence in front of my house. A FLAG is like those free little libraries for books, except for art. I’ve been thinking about having one for a long time and last year I asked my brother to build me one. He found the blue print online, you can find one here if you are interested.

My dad helped me install it.

In the beginning it was like Christmas everyday. I couldn’t wait to come home and see what has changed, what has been found and taken, what has been freely given. Neighbors were curious. I received kind messages about how the FLAG has brought joy to visitors and to the community.

I added a community journal, where visitors can write, or take at home for more in-depth journaling or art work, or poetry. There are no rules, just a simple concept of sharing.

My favorite of all is the night view. I added a string of fairy lights and I light them up at night. It gives me a cozy feeling when I drive up to my house at night and the lights are on. And I can peek through to see what kind of beautiful things reside inside for someone to discover.

You can check out more photos and frequent updates on Instagram under @freelittleartgallery_chandler

Thank you for stopping by!



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